Hospitality & Well-being: Prioritising Mental Health

hospitality and wellbeing

The hospitality industry is a whirlwind of energy fueled by passionate people who bring unforgettable experiences to life. 

However, behind the smiles and impeccable service, a hidden truth often lurks: mental health struggles are prevalent among hospitality workers.

Long hours, demanding schedules, and the pressure to constantly please can take a toll. In this blog, our team at Pineapple Recruitment delves into the challenges faced by hospitality workers and explores ways to prioritise mental well-being in this fast-paced environment.

Why Mental Health Matters in Hospitality

Many hospitality workers face a hidden battle: struggling with their mental health. Let’s delve into the specific challenges that contribute to this:

  • Stress Overload: From irate customers to unexpected challenges, hospitality constantly throws curveballs, leading to constant pressure, anxiety, burnout, and even depression.
  • Unpredictable Schedules: Split shifts, late nights, and weekends are often the norm, disrupting sleep patterns and making it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Lack of Security: Many hospitality jobs are seasonal or part-time, leading to financial insecurity and added stress.
  • A Culture of Silence: The “tough it out” mentality can be ingrained in hospitality workplaces, discouraging open conversations about mental health struggles.

Prioritising Wellness: Tips for Employers and Employees:

  • Open the Dialogue: Employers can create a safe space for staff to discuss mental health concerns. Managers can train to recognise signs of stress and offer techniques and support to colleagues.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Explore options like flexible work arrangements or predictable schedules where possible. This empowers employees to manage their well-being.
  • Promote Breaks and Time Off: Encourage employees to take breaks throughout the day and utilise their allotted annual leave. Disconnected time allows for proper rest and rejuvenation.
  • Focus on Work-Life Balance: Help employees create boundaries between work and personal life. Encourage them to disconnect after hours and pursue activities outside of work.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Recognising and celebrating successes, big or small, boosts morale and fosters a positive work environment.
  • Prioritise Self-Care: Employers and employees can advocate for self-care practices including healthy eating, exercise programmes, and mindfulness activities.

What help is out there for UK Employees and Employers?

Resources are available to help with mental health in the UK workplace for employers and employees:

For Employers:

Work Mental Health Support Service: This free, confidential service offered by Able Futures provides employers with guidance, education, and support on promoting mental health in the workplace.

Mental Health at Work: This website by the charity Mind offers a wealth of resources for employers, including toolkits, training materials, and guidance on creating a mentally healthy workplace.

ACAS: The Advisory, Conciliation Arbitration Service (Acas) offers guidance on managing employees’ well-being, including mental health, and resolving workplace disputes related to mental health 

For Employees:

NHS helplines: The NHS offers a variety of helplines and services to support people with mental health problems. Specific contact information will vary depending on location within the UK (England, Scotland, Wales) helplines can be found through NHS websites.

Mind: This leading mental health charity offers a variety of resources and information for individuals struggling with mental health, including helplines, online resources, and support groups.

The Samaritans: This 24/7 confidential listening service provides emotional support to anyone in distress, including those struggling with work-related stress and anxiety.

Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs): Many employers offer EAPs, which are confidential programmes that provide employees and their families with counselling, financial advice, and other support services.

Remember, a happy and healthy workforce is a productive one. By prioritising mental health in the hospitality industry, we can create a culture of well-being where employees can thrive and deliver exceptional service with a smile – a genuine one this time.

Let’s work together to break the stigma and make mental health a top priority in the world of hospitality!